Where is Beechworth located?

Q: Where is Beechworth located?

A: Beechworth is located in north-east Victoria, Australia.

Q: When was Beechworth first settled?

A: Beechworth was first settled during the gold rush of the mid-1850s.

Q: How many people lived in Beechworth according to the 2006 census?

A: According to the 2006 census, 3227 people lived in Beechworth.

Q: What is the condition of the old buildings in Beechworth?

A: The old buildings in Beechworth have been well looked after.

Q: What was the original purpose of Beechworth?

A: Beechworth was originally a gold field.

Q: What is the current purpose of Beechworth?

A: The current purpose of Beechworth is as a popular place for people to visit.

Q: What is an important activity around Beechworth?

A: Wine making is an important activity around Beechworth.

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