Who are the Torajans?

Q: Who are the Torajans?

A: The Torajans are an ethnic group indigenous to a part of South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Q: How many Torajans are there around the world?

A: There are about 650,000 Torajans around the world.

Q: Where do most Torajans still live?

A: Most Torajans still live in the regency of Tana Toraja, which is also known as the "Land of Toraja".

Q: What religions do Torajans practice?

A: Most Torajans are Christian, but some are Muslim or have local animist beliefs known as Aluk.

Q: What is Aluk?

A: Aluk is the local animist belief system practiced by some Torajans.

Q: Has the Indonesian government recognized Aluk?

A: Yes, the Indonesian government has recognized Aluk as Aluk To Dolo, meaning "Way of the Ancestors."

Q: How many Torajans are practicing Aluk?

A: The text does not provide information on how many Torajans are practicing Aluk.

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