Where is Topsham located?

Q: Where is Topsham located?

A: Topsham is located in Sagadahoc County in the state of Maine, United States.

Q: What was the population of Topsham in 2010?

A: The population of Topsham was 8,784 at the 2010 census.

Q: Is Topsham part of a metropolitan statistical area?

A: Yes, Topsham is part of the Portland-South Portland-Biddeford, Maine metropolitan statistical area.

Q: What is the Topsham Fair?

A: The Topsham Fair is an annual event that takes place in Topsham.

Q: When does the Topsham Fair happen every year?

A: The Topsham Fair happens every year, but the specific dates may vary.

Q: Is Topsham a city or a town?

A: Topsham is a town.

Q: What county is Topsham in?

A: Topsham is in Sagadahoc County.

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