Who are Toots and the Maytals?

Q: Who are Toots and the Maytals?

A: Toots and the Maytals are a Jamaican musical group known for their ska and rock steady vocals.

Q: What was the group originally called?

A: The group was originally called The Maytals.

Q: When were they formed?

A: They were formed in the early 1960s when ska was popular.

Q: What is one of their reputations?

A: One of their reputations is having strong, well-blended voices.

Q: Who is the front man of the group?

A: The front man of the group is Hibbert.

Q: Who is Hibbert compared to in terms of his soulful style?

A: Hibbert is compared to Otis Redding in terms of his soulful style.

Q: What genres is Toots and the Maytals known for?

A: Toots and the Maytals are known for ska and rock steady vocals.

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