What is toothpaste?
Q: What is toothpaste?
A: Toothpaste is a liquid paste that is applied to the bristles of a toothbrush to aid in the act of toothbrushing.
Q: What are some of the purposes of toothpaste?
A: Toothpaste has several purposes, including removing plaque from teeth, whitening teeth, and freshening breath.
Q: Do different toothpaste brands specialize in caring for sensitive teeth or certain flavors?
A: Yes, several toothpaste brands specialize in caring for teeth sensitive to certain conditions, such as heat or cold, or flavors, such as sweetness.
Q: How do most toothpaste products work to ease discomfort and provide protection for teeth?
A: Most toothpaste products work by strengthening the tooth enamel, which eases discomfort and provides teeth with a protective outer layer.
Q: What is the traditional flavor of toothpaste?
A: The traditional flavor of toothpaste is minty, as it provides a sense of freshness in the mouth.
Q: Have fruit and other flavors been popular in toothpaste in the past?
A: Yes, fruit and other flavors have been popular in toothpaste in the past.
Q: Why are fruit toothpastes discouraged by dentists?
A: Fruit toothpastes are discouraged by dentists because they have acidic and tooth-eroding properties.