What is bedrock?
Q: What is bedrock?
A: Bedrock is the term used in stratigraphy for the solid rock beneath the Earth's surface.
Q: What lies above the bedrock?
A: Above the bedrock is usually an area of broken and weathered rock, soil, sand, pebbles, etc.
Q: What is the top of the bedrock called?
A: The top of the bedrock is known as the rockhead.
Q: Why is identifying the rockhead important?
A: Identifying the rockhead is important in most civil engineering projects, and can be done through excavations, drilling or geophysical methods.
Q: How thick can the drift on top of the bedrock be?
A: The drift on top of the bedrock can be extremely thick, sometimes even hundreds of meters.
Q: What would a 'solid' geologic map of an area show?
A: A 'solid' geologic map of an area will usually show the rock that would be exposed at the surface if all soil or other superficial deposits were removed.
Q: Where would you find loose material on top of the bedrock?
A: Loose material is found on top of the bedrock, known as drift.