Who is Tomokazu Harimoto?

Q: Who is Tomokazu Harimoto?

A: Tomokazu Harimoto is a male Japanese table tennis player of Chinese origin.

Q: When was Tomokazu Harimoto born?

A: Tomokazu Harimoto was born on June 27, 2003 in Sendai.

Q: What is Tomokazu Harimoto's Chinese name?

A: Tomokazu Harimoto's Chinese name is 张智和 (Zhāng Zhìhé)

Q: What is Tomokazu Harimoto's origin?

A: Tomokazu Harimoto is of Chinese origin.

Q: What sport does Tomokazu Harimoto play?

A: Tomokazu Harimoto plays table tennis.

Q: What is Tomokazu Harimoto's pinyin name?

A: Tomokazu Harimoto's pinyin name is Harimōto Tomōkazu.

Q: What country does Tomokazu Harimoto represent in table tennis?

A: Tomokazu Harimoto represents Japan in table tennis.

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