What is Tipton St John?

Q: What is Tipton St John?

A: Tipton St John is a village in the parish of Ottery St Mary in Devon, England.

Q: How many people live in Tipton St John?

A: About 350 people live in Tipton St John.

Q: Where is Tipton St John located?

A: Tipton St John is located in Devon, England.

Q: What is the parish of Ottery St Mary?

A: Ottery St Mary is a parish in Devon, England.

Q: Is Tipton St John near any bodies of water?

A: Yes, Tipton St John is near the River Otter.

Q: Are there any other places called Tipton?

A: Yes, there are other places called Tipton. If looking for a specific location, additional information may be needed to differentiate the desired Tipton from others.

Q: What is Tipton (disambiguation)?

A: Tipton (disambiguation) refers to other places called Tipton that may need differentiation when searching for information.

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