Where is Tipton located?

Q: Where is Tipton located?

A: Tipton is a city located in Mitchell County, Kansas, USA.

Q: How many people lived in Tipton in 2010?

A: In 2010, Tipton had a population of 210 people.

Q: Is Tipton the only town with that name?

A: No, there are other towns called Tipton. One can see Tipton (disambiguation) to find other Tipton towns.

Q: What is the size of Tipton?

A: There is no information about the size of Tipton.

Q: What county is Tipton located in?

A: Tipton is located in Mitchell County, Kansas, USA.

Q: Is Tipton a large city?

A: No, Tipton is a small city with a population of only 210 people in 2010.

Q: Is Tipton in the United States?

A: Yes, Tipton is a city located in Kansas, which is a state in the United States.

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